We inform our members and other interested parties regularly about the latest developments in the field of African Studies in the Czech Republic and worldwide through the African Studies Guide and newsletters. We publish the journal Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society. We organise the international conference Viva Africa.
To promote research and teaching of African Studies in the Czech Republic, and to facilitate contacts among scholars in African Studies and those in related academic disciplines both in the Czech republic and abroad. To serve as a representative of Czech African Studies towards governmental, public and non-governmental bodies and in the international African Studies networks (e.g. AEGIS), and to establish contacts and promote cooperation with similar professional organisations both in the Czech republic and abroad. To popularise research findings in African Studies among the general public, and to work together with organisations focused on cooperation with Africa
First Vice Chairperson
Second Vice Chairperson
There are four categories of CAAS membership recognized by the Constitution and By-Laws: regular, contributing, associate and honorary.
All members of the CAAS have the right to take part at the meetings of the General Assembly, be informed about other activities of the Association, participate in, and contribute to their preparation. They can also raise suggestions and give recommendations for the improvement of the standard and quality of African Studies, and take advantage of the CAAS' publications free of charge or at discounted prices. Regular members further have the right to vote and the right to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Association.
Name: the Czech Association for African Studies, z.s. Rokitanského 62, Hradec Králové, 50003 Legal form: registered association (File No. L8810, registered with the Regional Court in Hradec Králové) ID: 02504138 Bank details, account number: CZ4320100000002700579710BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX Email: caas.africanstudies@gmail.com Telephone: +420 604 729 909 (Chairperson of CAAS, Kateřina Mildnerová)